Extending Care Beyond Boundaries: Innovative Solutions for Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency

In the realm of healthcare, one of the most profound challenges clinicians face is providing effective care when in-person visits are limited.

In an era marked by the rapid advancement of medical technology and telehealth services, healthcare is evolving to accommodate the changing needs of patients. However, certain conditions still demand in-person visits, which can be limited due to patient mobility or safety concerns. Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is one such condition, necessitating specialized care, which presents a challenge for both patients and healthcare providers.


Understanding Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI):

CVI occurs when the valves in the leg veins fail to return blood to the heart adequately. This affects millions worldwide, causing leg pain, swelling, and, in severe cases, the development of leg ulcers. These ulcers demand a minimum of 12 weeks to heal, underscoring the need for efficient care without excessive in-person visits.


Milliken’s Extended Wear Solution:

Milliken’s innovative approach to managing CVI revolves around TRITEC® wound dressings with Active Fluid Management® technology and CoFlex® TLC compression therapy, providing hope for patients.


TRITEC® Wound Dressings with Active Fluid Management® Technology:

TRITEC® wound dressings excel in managing wound exudate, the fluid oozing from wounds. Designed for extended wear, they reduce the need for frequent dressing changes, providing comfort and convenience to patients.


CoFlex® TLC Compression Therapy:

This therapy complements TRITEC® wound dressings by reducing leg pain and swelling, enhancing blood flow, and playing a vital role in CVI treatment, enhancing patient comfort.


Reducing In-Person Visits While Prioritizing Patient Care:

Milliken’s extended wear solution significantly decreases the frequency of dressing changes and check-ups, reducing the number of in-person visits. This is especially crucial during times of limited patient mobility, such as during a global health crisis when minimizing exposure to infectious diseases is paramount.


The Importance of Clinical Studies:

Milliken’s extended wear solution has undergone rigorous clinical studies, demonstrating its efficacy in managing CVI and promoting wound healing. These studies provide healthcare providers with confidence, ensuring that they offer the best care to their patients.

A List of Benefits:

  1. Reduced In-Person Visits: Milliken’s extended wear solution decreases the need for frequent in-person visits, benefiting patients, particularly in times of limited mobility.
  2. Enhanced Comfort: TRITEC® wound dressings and CoFlex® TLC compression therapy provide patients with greater comfort during treatment.
  3. Effective Wound Exudate Management: TRITEC® dressings excel at managing wound exudate, creating an optimal environment for wound healing.
  4. Improved Blood Flow: CoFlex® TLC compression therapy facilitates proper blood circulation, reducing pain and swelling in the legs.
  5. Faster Healing: The combination of TRITEC® dressings and CoFlex® TLC therapy accelerates the healing process, improving patients’ quality of life.



Milliken’s extended wear solution, incorporating TRITEC® wound dressings with Active Fluid Management® technology and CoFlex® TLC compression therapy, represents a significant advancement in wound care and CVI management. This innovative approach reduces in-person visits, prioritizes patient comfort, and ensures effective treatment.

In a healthcare landscape continually adapting to patients’ changing needs, innovations like Milliken’s extended wear solution show that it’s possible to extend care beyond traditional boundaries and enhance the quality of life for individuals dealing with chronic conditions.

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